Everyday Matters

A humorous look at the hectic, disorganized, perfectly imperfect life of a mom of five who is also spiritual formation director at a Lutheran church. From trying to keep up an old house (and an aging body), to suffering through little league nights,family card games and waiting at the deli counter, from remembering our cute babies to holding our cute grandbabies, Everyday Matters reminds us that every day is sacred, however improbable that may seem. Washing dishes, driving the car, vacuuming the rug: God is in the minute details of our lives, and is there to direct us even when we seem to have no sense of direction ourselves. In these essays, God gently laughs with us, never at us, as we try to navigate this crazy mixed up world. Every day really does matter, if we stop and think about it. And so do we.

Paperback, 160 pages.

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A portion of all proceeds benefits Lutheran World Relief

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Three Book Pack

Purchase all three books as a set- "Underway", "Unhaling", and "Everyday Matters".

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